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Shopee E-comerce

A e-commerce website built with React and Typescript based on

Technology used:

  • Manage authentication with JWT (automatic token refresh applied)
  • Use Yup and React Hook Form to validate the form.
  • Smart Pagination, Filter, and Product Search
  • Incorporate state into the URL to easily share results across devices.
  • Asynchronous state management with React Query
  • Improve performance by optimizing build file size analysis.
  • SEO with React Helmet
  • Separating private and public routes.
  • Code Splitting, Unit Testing
  • Manage components with Storybook

Live Demo | Source Code

Course Management

A SSR CRUD application help managing online courses.

Technology used:

  • Template Engine with handlebarsjs.
  • Server and routing with Node and Express.
  • Database built with MongoDB and Mongoose.
  • UI enhance with Bootstrap.

Source Code

Thank you for visiting. Built with Vue.js.